End your year on a good note
Reflective prompts to review 2022 and get excited for the new year!
Hi loves,
Over the past few years, I’ve spent the last weeks of the year reflecting on what happened as well as planning ahead I believe I have crafted the perfect way to analyze what went well and not so well, motivate yourself for all the fun that’s to come and set yourself up for the best year yet. I have compiled some prompts and tasks I like to do, so feel free to pick which ever ones speak the most to you and try them out.
Journaling prompts
To reflect on the past year
What were some accomplishments you’re most proud of?
What were challenges you faced? What have you learned from them?
How did the world we live in change, and how did it impact you personally?
What are you most grateful for right now?
Compare yourself no to you a year ago, how did you change?
Go through every month and list the major events.
Who/what inspired you in 2022?
How did your external situation change? Who do you surround yourself with the most right now?
What gave you life in 2022, what were some moments you were happiest in 2022? Get specific.
Word of the year 2022, looking back
Top themes of 2022
Life lessons of the year
To prep the new year
What’s your vision for the new year? Write yourself a letter to refer back to when you feel lost and need clarity.
What’s something new you want to try in 2023?
What’s in and what’s out in 2023? (more of/less of)
List a few people you want to get to know better in the new year.
Who do you want to let go of in the new year?
What practices do you want to prioritize for 2023?
List some affirmations for the New Year
What are you seeking closure for right now? How can you let go of what’s holding you back to transition into the new year with clarity?
List your top goals for the following categories: health, social, body, spiritual, intellectual, professional/academic, personal, creative, relationships, financial, etc. Add steps for each goal to make it easier to achieve them.
Picture yourself a year from now, how do you feel, who do you surround yourself, what is your day to day… Now plan how you will get there and start showing up as that ideal self
What are you manifesting for the new year?
Activities to get yourself excited
List major events and milestones to look forward to in 2023, I love to do a few things for every month even if its something simple like ‘start of the summer, longer days’
Make a 2023 moodboard, it could reflect events that are coming up, or the energy you want to bring into the new year. find mine below and on pinterest!
Make a playlist for the new year
Make lists! Reading list, watchlist, places to visit, a bucket list, affirmations, etc.
Declutter your physical and online space. Clean that corner, unsubscribe from that mailing list, delete unused apps…
Take care of your body. Exfoliate, meditate, move. This will make you feel fresh and energetic, ultimately making you feel ready to take on new challenges.
Look back on the year. Re read your journals, go through your memory box, camera roll, notes app, etc. This is often insightful. Some of it may be fun, other parts challenging, so be mindful.
Remembering a difficult year can be challenging but it can also show resilience and growth, so be easy on yourself and approach this as learning. I must mention that this isn't to put pressure and set resolutions, I don’t believe in those unless they come with set steps and accountability. Instead, this is to get you in the right headspace, to feel the energy you’re manifesting come true and embody who you want to be. We have a couple days left of 2022, so grab your journal or notes app, and get reflecting.

Find more inspo on The Diary’s pinterest. Please send me yours as well, I’d love to see what you’re manifesting!
As always, I’m leaving you with positive energy, I hope these prompts give you inspiration to do your own reflection. Take care of yourself this holiday season and step into the New Year feeling rejuvenated.
Talk to you soon,