They say consistency is key to form a habit. I think I’m failing at this already. Anything new is so scary at first, so exciting but also you keep asking yourself how do I go about this?? I’m feeling like an imposter here. I’m definitely no journalist trying to escape censorship, I dont have a degree, or anything interesting to write about. I’m average. So here’s a reflection on the insignificant.
The mundane is so beautiful, so unique if only we take the time to appreciate it. Being grateful for everyday things, for the little joys of life, might just be the key to fulfillment. I’m currently reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, it’s a heavy read for me, a very spiritual book, but what he says on the matter of mundane things is very valuable. He writes that we always live in either the past or the future, but these are concepts that do not exist, there’s only the Now. If we take the time to truly see, hear, smell the world around us that’s when we let go of all attachments and start living in the moment. No fear, no regrets just bliss.
So for everyone dreaming of a life that’s nicer, one that’s exciting and enviable, that people (especially online) seem to have but you don’t, let go of that, look around you and really try to see and feel what it’s like to Be.